Empowered People
By far the most dynamic ingredient to Dupont’s reputation for distinctive service is the capacity of its foremen and project managers to make empowered decisions in real time. The Dupont family has learned how to recognize top industry talent and what it takes to be able be decisive and responsive in the critical moments. As a result, large and small projects alike encounter less down time and unwieldy administrative protocols, and are managed through with industry leading efficiency.
With knowledge comes confidence and with confidence comes increased passion and more knowledge. Dupont’s empowerment culture has from the beginning been founded on the principle of facilitating personal and professional growth, resulting in a team of innovative, problem solving thinkers and technicians, who know what it takes to get any job done right. There isn’t much the Dupont seasoned team hasn’t seen or encountered in the trade, ensuring efficiently mobilized solutions that can stabilize and be administered to any given solution.
Dupont’s team of 50 plus employees and extended force of up to 90 not only love what they do, but also love who they are doing it with. A very collegial troupe that is genuinely proud of the Dupont name and all it stands for, means the company experiences very little to no turnover in top talent and personnel. Thus, the fully embraced internal company service motto: “There When You Need Us” really does apply and assure contract partners the full Dupont service experience, from the highest quality workmanship to 24-7 service responsiveness.
If you have a question, concern or new project consideration today, no doubt you will get your answer! Today.
Supporting Team & Community
As the Dupont family encourages its team members and associate professionals to continually advance and grow their core competencies and industry skill sets, the company champions involvement and invests in association memberships throughout the province and country. Not only does this serve to promote continued personal development and education for the Dupont team, but also serves to help support those organizations that are in place for all of the industry trades as the needs arise.
- Manitoba Wall & Ceiling Association
- Winnipeg Construction Association